

If you are interested in becoming a member, contact a local Lions Member for more information.

“I was invited to join Lions in the September of 1976 by Don Schoemaker, who sponsored me. I have always been involved with service organizations starting at Cherry Creek High School and then at Colorado State University, so joining Lions was a natural for me. I love doing the pancake breakfasts the most, especially the Fly In in June. The best change I have seen has been the inclusion of women to our club as this has increased our membership, enthusiasm, and made our Lions Club a better organization. Being a Lion has given me the opportunity to give back to a community that has given so much to me.”

Lion Earl Lehrer, Dentist (Member since 1976)

“Jim and Marj Kramer moved to Ft. Morgan from Phillipsburg, KS in 2003.  Jim had been a Rotarian there for 30 years where he filled several offices including President.  After moving to Ft. Morgan, Lion Jarry Schaefer invited him to join Lions, which he did in 2004.  Lion Marj, Jim’s wife, is the pianist for the Ft. Morgan Lion’s Club”

Lion Jim Kramer (Member since 2004)